
Install django-pesapal:

pip install django-pesapal

Then use it in a project:

import django_pesapal
  1. Add django_pesapal to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:

  2. Include the django_pesapal URLconf in your project like this:

    url(r'^payments/', include('django_pesapal.urls')),
  3. You can set your own return url by adding this to

    PESAPAL_TRANSACTION_DEFAULT_REDIRECT_URL = 'app_name:url_name'  # this needs to be a reversible
  4. Run python migrate to create the models.

  5. Create a method that receives payment details and returns the pesapal iframe url:

    from django_pesapal.views import PaymentRequestMixin
    class PaymentView(PaymentRequestMixin):
        def get_pesapal_payment_iframe(self):
            Authenticates with pesapal to get the payment iframe src
            order_info = {
                'first_name': 'Some',
                'last_name': 'User',
                'amount': 100,
                'description': 'Payment for X',
                'reference': 2,  # some object id
                'email': '',
            iframe_src_url = self.get_payment_url(**order_info)
            return iframe_src_url
  6. Once payment has been processed, you will be redirected to an intermediate screen where the user can finish ordering. Clicking the “Finish Ordering” button will check the payment status to ensure that the payment was successful and then redirects the user to PESAPAL_TRANSACTION_DEFAULT_REDIRECT_URL.

NOTE: You can override the intermediate (post_payment.html) processing template if you need to have a customized look.